Quora Question Does the universe end anywhere? If not, what lies beyond it? My Answer No, our universe has no boundaries. It has no beginning and no end. It's something you call infinity. Now would you believe me if I tell you that our universe is not the only one but there are millions of similar universes? The parallel universes. Have you heard about the term multi-universe or Multiverse? If not, then google it now. 'Cause after reading all this I bet you won't be able to resist yourself. You'll have an urge to know about this. But before we move on to the concept of multiverse, lemme take you 14 billion years back, where it all started. Yeah, I'm talking 'bout the big bang. When the big bang took place about 14 billion years ago, there was a massive explosion releasing an enormous amount of gases and particles. These particles cooled down for thousands of years resulting in the formation of planets, suns, moons and galaxies. This is how our universe w...